 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

The next Chapter

Posted by Miss James on 31/03/23 at 01:47 PM
In year 4 the children came to the end of their book study of Varjak Paw and were set the task of writing the next Chapter.

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The next Chapter

Easter celebrations

Posted by Miss James on 31/03/23 at 12:33 PM
The children in year 4 have been having great fun in preparation for the Easter celebrations. They enjoyed creating a  card and the real meaning of Easter.

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Easter celebrations

All dressed up for Easter

Posted by itadmin on 31/03/23 at 08:16 AM
Both Class 3L and 3C enjoyed performing their Easter Assembly. Here are some of them dressed up in their costumes.

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All dressed up for Easter

Year 5 Maths Treasure Hunt

Posted by Mr Kearney on 31/03/23 at 08:11 AM
Yesterday, Year 5 took part in a Maths treasure hunt. A series of word problem cards were scattered around the school and the children had to work in pairs to find and solve the problems in the correct order. The…

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Year 5 Maths Treasure Hunt

Year 5 Spring Spelling Bee

Posted by Mr Kearney on 31/03/23 at 08:02 AM
Yesterday, the children competed in our termly Spelling Bee. Round 1 began with all children attempting the words and as the rounds progressed, we were left with our two Year 5 Spelling Bee champions.  We were really proud of the…

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Year 5 Spring Spelling Bee

Year 5 Tag Rugby Intra Sport Competition

Posted by Mr Kearney on 31/03/23 at 07:52 AM
​This half term, Year 5 have been enjoying tag rugby sessions provided by Middlesex Cricket Club. On Monday, the two year 5 classes were mixed together so they could compete against one another in a game which required them to…

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Year 5 Tag Rugby Intra Sport Competition

5K write their own songs

Posted by Mr Kearney on 31/03/23 at 07:43 AM
This term in music lessons, our focus song has been ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’ by Will Smith. Throughout the term we have listened to and appraised a variety of hip-hop songs, which culminated in writing and performing our own…

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5K write their own songs

6L go on an ‘egg-cellent’ hunt!

Posted by Mrs Little on 30/03/23 at 03:43 PM
​6L have created their Easter baskets today, decorating them vibrantly and then watching (desperately!) as they were filled with lots of delicious eggs and chocolates. Their baskets were then hidden around the classroom- perhaps too well in a few cases-…

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6L go on an ‘egg-cellent’ hunt!

Year 6 Spring Spelling Bee

Posted by Mrs Little on 30/03/23 at 03:35 PM
Today the children in Year 6 participated in our termly Spelling Bee. We were so proud that every single child took part and attempted Round 1 and it was very close in terms of who qualified for Round 2.  We…

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Year 6 Spring Spelling Bee

Nursery on wheels

Posted by sbrowne on 30/03/23 at 12:26 PM
As part of our transport topic the nursery children have been learning about non-motorised transport such as bikes, scooter and walking. Today the nursery brought in their bikes and scooters. We enjoyed riding them around the playground, seeing how fast…

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Nursery on wheels

Lent and a Coronation Garden

Posted by Mrs Little on 30/03/23 at 10:59 AM
This week pupils who have been growing their plants during Lent were asked to bring them back into school. It was lovely to see so many brought back to school and how well some of them were sprouting. The Year…

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Lent and a Coronation Garden

Completed Maths Passports

Posted by Miss Vanos on 29/03/23 at 10:26 PM
Congratulations to two children from 2V, who have completed their current maths passport and are ready to progress to the next one! Information from the maths section of the website has been reproduced here:  The Maths Passports are a strategy…

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Completed Maths Passports

Glitter Germs Experiment

Posted by Miss Vanos on 29/03/23 at 10:09 PM
​2V conducted a science experiment! We put glitter all over our hands. The glitter represented germs! We were told we were going to try three methods of getting the germs off of our hands-- paper towel only, water only and…

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Glitter Germs Experiment

Nursery visit Boston Manor Park

Posted by sbrowne on 29/03/23 at 07:43 PM
​On Tuesday the Nursery children went to visit the new Education Hub at Boston Manor House and Park. The education officer Tash read us The Hungry Caterpillar and talked to the children about healthy and balanced diets and linked this…

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Nursery visit Boston Manor Park

Watch the Performance

Posted by Mr Wright on 29/03/23 at 05:14 PM
Last week, Junior pupils from our school went with the Hounslow Music Service to visit the Army Band in Sandhurst. Their performance was videoed and can be seen below. We are all very proud of them.

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Watch the Performance

Year 5/6 Tag Rugby Competition

Posted by dhorry on 29/03/23 at 02:13 PM
Please see the attached news report below this post.
Tag Rugby Report On Tuesday the 28th of March we attended the Rugby Finals competition at Grasshoppers. There was at least 8 different schools that took part from around…

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Year 5/6 Tag Rugby Competition

Exploring Easter

Posted by Mrs Little on 29/03/23 at 11:30 AM
This week both Year 6 classes welcomed Luke, the new Youth and Children's Pastor for St. Paul's Church, to lead an Easter themed session. Both classes spoke very highly of the session and seemed to thoroughly enjoy working with Luke. …

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Exploring Easter

‘Rat Monster’ Trial

Posted by Mrs Little on 29/03/23 at 11:24 AM
This week in Years 5 and 6 we have been concluding our work on the Philip Pullman book, 'I was a rat'. To bring our learning to a close, we prepared statements to be shared in a court trial to…

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‘Rat Monster’ Trial

Year 1’s Animal Workshop

Posted by nleanage on 28/03/23 at 12:28 PM
Year 1 and 2 had special visitors come in today! We have been studying animals including humans in Science and had the chance to hold and touch animals of different classifications this morning. We started off with a cockroach and…

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Year 1’s Animal Workshop

Year 1’s Easter Garden

Posted by nleanage on 28/03/23 at 12:23 PM
Year 1 have been learning about why Easter is so important to Christians. We talked about Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, how Jesus died, and how He has risen. We created an Easter garden to tell this story and planted…

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Year 1’s Easter Garden

Making Music with the Military

Posted by Mr Wright on 27/03/23 at 08:16 AM
Last week three of our Junior brass players joined pupils from across Hounslow on a visit to the Army Band in Sandhurst.  The visit was arranged by Hounslow Music Service and offered a great opportunity to work with…

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Making Music with the Military

3C is busy with Maths

Posted by itadmin on 26/03/23 at 08:16 AM
Times tables, 10 less, 10 more, 100 less, 100 more – these are the activities children are busy with. They practise every day in Maths lessons. And this is how they do it…

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3C is busy with Maths

Year 5H are scam detectives!

Posted by dhorry on 24/03/23 at 02:30 PM
Last week in 5H, we took on the challenge of being scam detectives. We received two emails and explained how we could tell which one was real or fake. We then discussed the risks of scam emails, hacking and pop…

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Year 5H are scam detectives!

5H Science

Posted by dhorry on 24/03/23 at 02:24 PM
In Year 5H this week we were exploring Leonardo Da Vinci’s theory of The Vitruvian Man. This involved the children taking measurements of body parts and comparing them using Maths skills. I’m sure the children can explain more!

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5H Science

Reception Take Over The Tower

Posted by Mrs Riley on 24/03/23 at 09:43 AM
On Tuesday, Reception went on a fantastic trip to the Tower of London. We went on the train to Waterloo and then transferred on to the tube to London Bridge. We then walked across the bridge, stopping to look at…

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Reception Take Over The Tower

Great to hear!

Posted by Mrs Cossar on 23/03/23 at 05:36 PM
Today was our annual learning review morning. As part of their responsibilities for running the school, governors spent the morning investigating progress of an area from the school’s development plan.  Today it was pupils’ development in writing. They visited English…

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Great to hear!

Trip to Boston Manor Park

Posted by Mrs Heyhoe on 23/03/23 at 04:11 PM
Today, a group of Year 1 and 2 children visited Boston Manor Park. We enjoyed a quick play in the playground and then went for a walk around the park. We looked at Boston Manor House, which was built by…

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Trip to Boston Manor Park

Hockey Skills

Posted by Mrs Little on 22/03/23 at 07:49 PM
In PE this half term, Year 6 are doing Hockey. This week we worked on our ball control, practising dribbling with only one side of the stick. We had a game of 'follow the leader' which also involved teamwork and…

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Hockey Skills

Stewardship in Brentford

Posted by Mr Wright on 20/03/23 at 06:26 PM
During Lent we have been considering the amazing world that God made and wants us to care for. We call this care ‘stewardship’. By looking after our environment, plants and animals we can protect and care for the planet, leaving…

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Stewardship in Brentford

Did someone call 999?

Posted by sbrowne on 20/03/23 at 04:10 PM
The Nursery children loved getting to be a part of the visit from the Metropolitan Police this morning. They tried on hats and helmets and then got to sit inside the police car. The children got to turn on the…

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Did someone call 999?

International women’s day

Posted by Miss James on 20/03/23 at 01:02 PM
For International women's day it was great to see the girls from Year 3 and 4 taking part in a friendly football activity. 

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International women’s day

Creating Balanced Meals in 2V

Posted by Miss Vanos on 19/03/23 at 01:12 PM
In Science, 2V have been learning about how food. For us humans to feel our best, we need to eat a balanced diet that consists of carbohydrates, protein, dairy/alternatives, healthy fats and fruits/vegetables. We talked about what different types of…

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Creating Balanced Meals in 2V

The world is a puzzle

Posted by Mrs Little on 16/03/23 at 08:08 PM
​This week we have been learning how different types of mountains are formed, and how tectonic plates play a part in this. As an extra challenge, some of the children were tasked with piecing a deconstructed map of the tectonic…

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The world is a puzzle

5H Cricket

Posted by dhorry on 15/03/23 at 08:42 AM
Children continued their cricket skills in PE this week with a focus on batting and fielding. The children loved the idea of the race between the two teams and their competitive spirits certainly kicked in. They also love the elimination…

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5H Cricket

My favourite book

Posted by Miss James on 14/03/23 at 11:58 AM
This term It was wonderful to see all the children dressed up as a character from their favourite book. All children had put a great amount of time, thought and effort into creating their costumes and cannot wait to do…

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My favourite book

Looking carefully at Flowers

Posted by itadmin on 11/03/23 at 08:43 AM
​3L have been cutting up flowers to try and identify each part. They were able to create an information sheet that showed the actual parts of the flower. These photographs show the results.

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Looking carefully at Flowers

World Book Day in 4L 2023

Posted by Mrs Lonsdale on 10/03/23 at 11:40 AM
Last week we celebrated World book day in school. The day started with a whole school assembly during which each class had the chance to parade their fantastic costumes. Back in class 4L enjoyed making their own bookmarks, joining in…

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World Book Day in 4L 2023

Spring is coming ...... really

Posted by sbrowne on 10/03/23 at 11:25 AM
The nursery children braved the snowy conditions on Wednesday to go to the park and look for signs that Spring is coming (despite what the weather was telling us). We found daffodils, crocuses and snowdrops. We walked about the different…

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Spring is coming ...... really

5K (virtually) visit South America

Posted by Mr Kearney on 07/03/23 at 08:22 PM
During our topic lesson last week, 5K got to use VR goggles to 'visit' South America. We explored a variety of regions of South America such as deserts, grasslands, mountains and rainforests. 

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5K (virtually) visit South America

5K Celebrate World Book Day!

Posted by Mr Kearney on 07/03/23 at 08:05 PM
​5K really enjoyed World Book Day last week. After taking part in a costume parade, we returned to class and completed a book emoji quiz. We then designed our own book tokens which will be entered into a competition to…

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5K Celebrate World Book Day!

Reading Week in Year 1

Posted by nleanage on 07/03/23 at 09:49 AM
Year 1 had an exciting Reading Week! We began with a storyteller coming in who told us exciting stories from around the world. She told us the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff and the children had a chance…

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Reading Week in Year 1

Year 5 Science Board Game!

Posted by dhorry on 07/03/23 at 08:05 AM
In Year 5 yesterday afternoon, children were challenged to play a board game to test their knowledge of bees! From this, the children learnt lots of bee-related facts and they absolutely loved playing the board game!

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Year 5 Science Board Game!

5H Exploring South America

Posted by dhorry on 07/03/23 at 08:00 AM
On Friday afternoon, Year 5 were transported to see South America's jungles, deserts and mountains! The children loved using the VR goggles and I'm sure this will help our learning so much in the coming weeks!

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5H Exploring South America

Cricket Sessions

Posted by itadmin on 06/03/23 at 06:37 PM
On Mondays, the children are having cricket sessions where they were practising balling and batting. Let’s have look at them in action!

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Cricket Sessions

World Book Day in 3L

Posted by itadmin on 04/03/23 at 08:38 AM
​All the children enjoyed dressing up as their favourite book character. Here are some of the costumes.

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World Book Day in 3L

Books Books Books!

Posted by Mrs Little on 03/03/23 at 08:13 PM
​6L really enjoyed World Book Day this week- we started the day sharing our costumes in the whole school parade then returned to class where we admired each other's outfits. The costumes were fantastic- well done to the children for…

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Books Books Books!

World Book Day in Year 1

Posted by nleanage on 03/03/23 at 04:18 PM
Year 1 had an amazing day celebrating world book day! They began the day with the school wide parade where Hanako won 1st place for KS1! We created our own bookmarks and tokens for a future world book day. We…

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World Book Day in Year 1

Class 4J Lab in a lorry

Posted by Miss James on 03/03/23 at 12:39 PM
In class 4J the children were joined by students from Kingston University, who explained how science works. They enjoyed a learning about the process of digestion through a very hands on experiment, dissecting a plant and examining the animal cells…

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Class 4J Lab in a lorry

How would you feel?

Posted by Miss James on 03/03/23 at 12:35 PM
​In year 4 the children have began reading the book Varjak Paw and were asked to freeze frame the emotions of the characters from different scenes in the book. 

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How would you feel?

It’s all about books in Nursery

Posted by sbrowne on 03/03/23 at 09:46 AM
For World Book Day the Nursery children all dressed up as their favourite characters. There were lots of lovely costumes and the children talked about who they were and why they had chosen that character. The teachers got in on…

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It’s all about books in Nursery

Eco Club in Virtual Reality

Posted by Mrs Little on 02/03/23 at 07:10 PM
​To bring Eco Club to a close for the Spring term (we will be returning in the Summer once the gardens are ready to be planted!) we decorated our own stones, which were originally washed up on an English beach…

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Eco Club in Virtual Reality

Reading Week and World Book Day

Posted by Mrs Barry on 02/03/23 at 03:56 PM
This week is Reading Week and the children are taking part in a variety of fun reading themed activities. We started off the week with a storyteller on Monday. She told us many stories from all around the world. She…

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Reading Week and World Book Day

World Book Day in 5H

Posted by dhorry on 02/03/23 at 03:44 PM
In Year 5H, we’ve had a lovely day for World Book day from competing to create next year’s book token to creating a twist on our favourite books and stories. You can even see the children perform a book in…

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World Book Day in 5H

An Amazing Start to Reading Week

Posted by Mrs Riley on 01/03/23 at 09:40 PM
​Reception had the most wonderful start to Reading Week.  On Monday, we had a visit from a storyteller. The children were fascinated as she told them a selection of stories including 'The Gingerbread Man' and 'The Little Red Hen' using…

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An Amazing Start to Reading Week

What’s that in the Reception Playground?

Posted by Mrs Riley on 01/03/23 at 09:27 PM
​On Tuesday the children had a big surprise!  An alien spacecraft had crash landed in the playground. Smoke was pouring out from it and there was all sorts of metal spread across the floor. There was even a slice of…

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What’s that in the Reception Playground?
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