 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

Special Educational Needs and Inclusion

We have a strong record for supporting pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). Our Inclusion Coordinator is Mrs C Lee. She works with school staff, parents, governors, the local authority and external professionals to support pupils with additional educational needs. She can be contacted via the school’s main number: 020 8560 3297 or via the school’s email account: office@stpauls.hounslow.sch.uk

All lessons are planned to provide instruction and challenge for pupils at differing levels of attainment (differentiated). For most pupils, this differentiation is sufficient to enable them to engage with the curriculum and achieve successfully. Others may need further support or intervention, these pupils will have an additional educational need.

SEND may be related to health (physical and emotional development) or to a particular learning difficulty. Some pupils join the school with their additional needs already identified. The additional needs of others may not be identifiable until they have started in the school. Staff meet regularly with the Inclusion Coordinator to discuss pupils and ensure that any additional needs are identified.

If you are concerned that your child may have an additional educational need, speak first to the class teacher. The class teacher will share their observations and discuss your concerns with the Inclusion Coordinator. The Inclusion Coordinator may then contact you to discuss any concerns and how they may be addressed.

Pupils with relatively low additional needs may be supported through an intervention group or through additional support from an adult in a particular lesson. An intervention group is usually a short teaching programme for a small group of children designed to address a particular need, for example additional reading or speaking support. The group may take place weekly for half a term, sometimes in the classroom, but usually in a small group room. These groups are usually led by the Inclusion Coordinator, teachers or a teaching assistant. This provision is directed and overseen by the Inclusion Coordinator. On occasion volunteers may support children with reading or mathematics, where additional practice may be needed.

The school works closely with parents and external professionals to identify the best programme of support for pupils with additional needs, particularly where those needs are complex or need specialist assessment. We draw upon the support resources of the Local Authority and work in partnership to meet our statutory obligations.

In line with new legislation around SEND (Special educational needs and disabilities) the local authority should publish a ‘local offer’, setting out what provision is available to support children and young people with SEND. Schools should publish a SEN Information Report. This sets out the provision available within the school, how it is made available and how it operates to support pupils with SEN and their families. Our SEN Information Report is attached at the bottom of this page. Hounslow Borough Council’s Local Offer can be accessed by clicking here.

Hounslow Borough also provides information and advice for parents about the SEN process and procedures. This can be accessed by clicking here.

St Paul’s Primary School Brentford
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