Child protection and safeguarding
We work actively to keep our school a safe, secure place. Child protection and safeguarding is a shared responsibility.
If you are a parent or volunteer and you have a concern about a child it is important to act. Concerns can be reported directly to Early Help Hounslow on: 020 8583 6600. Advice can be sought from the NSPCC on: 0808 800 5000. During the academic year, you can also report to the school’s Lead Designated Officer, Mr Wright (Headteacher) or the deputy designated lead Mrs Corinne Lee. School staff with concerns report to the Lead Designated Officer.
If you are a pupil and you have a concern about another child or a problem of your own, you can talk to any member of the school staff or phone Childline on: 0800 1111.
If you have a concern about the actions of a member of staff, you should report directly to the headteacher, Mr Wright. If your concern is about the headteacher, you should report directly to the Chair of Governors, Mr Greene. He can be contacted through the school office.
Safeguarding forms an important part of the recruitment and induction process in the school. All school staff are checked against DfE records, in advance of starting work and an enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check is also conducted. Safeguarding questions form part of the recruitment process, work histories are checked and referees are asked to answer specific safeguarding questions. Safeguarding and child protection procedures also form part of the induction and training programmes for staff within the school.
Occasional volunteers and those working within the classroom are inducted and work under the supervision of school staff. Where a volunteer may need unsupervised contact with pupils, a DBS check is completed.
All school governors are DBS checked, inducted and trained in safeguarding and child protection. Our safeguarding governor is Mrs Ward.
All external professionals working in the school are checked for DBS clearance if their work involves unsupervised contact with children.
All visitors to the school site are signed in and out at the school office and given visitor identification for the duration of their visit.
Information and support around current safeguarding issues can be downloaded from the foot of this page.