 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

Reception Take Over The Tower

Posted by Mrs Riley on 24/03/23 at 09:43 AM

On Tuesday, Reception went on a fantastic trip to the Tower of London.

We went on the train to Waterloo and then transferred on to the tube to London Bridge. We then walked across the bridge, stopping to look at the Shard, and along the river, where we saw some cool boats. 

Once in the Tower, we went to see the Crown Jewels, which were dazzling. We then went up into the White Tower. The children climbed 250 steps up to the top, looking at the suits or armour, weapons and finally finding an amazing dragon! 

We are so proud of the children. They walked beautifully, were brilliant on the train and asked some very thoughtful questions. Well done Reception! 

Reception Take Over The Tower
St Paul’s Primary School Brentford
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