 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

Lent and a Coronation Garden

Posted by Mrs Little on 30/03/23 at 10:59 AM

This week pupils who have been growing their plants during Lent were asked to bring them back into school. It was lovely to see so many brought back to school and how well some of them were sprouting. The Year 6 Eco Club members helped to plant all of them during lunchtime into the borders in the St. Paul's playground quiet area. This will go on to grow into our Coronation Garden to mark the King's celebrations, as well as becoming a quiet, reflective space to enjoy. 

The children have enjoyed our learning and worship focus during Lent, exploring what it means to look after 'God's Great Creation'. We can't wait to see how our garden grows and will officially open it soon!

Lent and a Coronation Garden
Lent and a Coronation Garden
Lent and a Coronation Garden
Lent and a Coronation Garden
Lent and a Coronation Garden
St Paul’s Primary School Brentford
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