 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

The Iron Age Hillfort in 3C

Posted by itadmin on 31/05/23 at 12:08 PM
During the Iron Age, people in Britain lived in settlements called hillforts. Children in 3C love crafting, so they built a hill fort using card, paper, glue and scissors. There are houses for Iron Age people, shelters for animals and…

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The Iron Age Hillfort in 3C

Iron Age Hillfort

Posted by itadmin on 28/05/23 at 10:01 AM
​3L have made a model of an Iron Age Hillfort. They created the hill, ditch and bank with a wall on top, and then put in houses and animal shelters.

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Iron Age Hillfort

2V Visit the Science Museum

Posted by Miss Vanos on 26/05/23 at 08:11 PM
On Tuesday, 2V explored the Science Museum! We took the E8 and then the Piccadilly Line from Boston Manor to South Kensington. First, we took in the Space exhibit. We saw a statue of Yuri Gagarin (the first person in…

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2V Visit the Science Museum

Year 2’s Sponsored Scoot

Posted by Miss Vanos on 26/05/23 at 07:22 PM
Last Friday, Year 2 completed their Sponsored Scoot! We went to the park and the children either ran, cycled or scooted as many laps as they could. We had a really fun time and an excellent exercise session-- there were…

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Year 2’s Sponsored Scoot

Year 5 Intra-sports

Posted by Mr Kearney on 26/05/23 at 05:12 PM
​During our final PE lessons of the half term, 5K and 5H went head to head in some athletics events. The children put their relay race and shot-put throwing skills to the test in a friendly class competition. 

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Year 5 Intra-sports

KS1 Intra-Sports

Posted by nleanage on 26/05/23 at 05:02 PM
​This half term, KS1 have been practising their athletics skills. Year 1, 2V and 2B competed together in a relay race to test their skills in this. The first part of the relay race was hurdles, where children had to…

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KS1 Intra-Sports

Carnival is coming

Posted by Mrs Little on 26/05/23 at 04:59 PM
This half term 6L have been designing and making their own floats for Rio Carnival. This week we continued to work on our designs, including adding axles and wheels and designing costumes for dolls to go aboard our floats. The…

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Carnival is coming

Year 1’s Trip to the Science Museum

Posted by nleanage on 26/05/23 at 04:49 PM
​Year 1 have been learning about the past and present in topic this half term and will be learning about space next half term. We took a trip to the Science Museum and had a look at the Space exhibition…

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Year 1’s Trip to the Science Museum

Eco Planters

Posted by Mrs Little on 26/05/23 at 04:31 PM
This half term in Eco Club we have been creating our own planters from old car tyres. After designing our planters we started painting and have begun to fill some of them with flowers ready to decorate our school gardens. …

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Eco Planters

6L Explore Syon House

Posted by Mrs Little on 26/05/23 at 04:24 PM
Year 6 were lucky enough to be invited to Syon Park's Countryside Living Day. Activities included forest school- creating fire and chopping wood; a guided tour of the gorgeous Syon House; meeting a range of birds of prey; digging for…

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6L Explore Syon House

Bubbles and Boxes in Reception

Posted by Mrs Riley on 26/05/23 at 02:32 PM
Reception have been taking advantage of the lovely weather and have been working very hard in the garden.  We have been exploring bubbles in the water tray, using the hoops to make the biggest bubbles possible.  We have also had…

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Bubbles and Boxes in Reception

Art Club’s end of club gallery

Posted by Mrs Riley on 26/05/23 at 09:15 AM
Yesterday, Art Club celebrated the end of the club by creating a gallery for their parents.  Over the last few weeks the children have explored the works of different artists, learning about the techniques they used and exploring different media.…

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Art Club’s end of club gallery

Reception take over the aquarium

Posted by Mrs Riley on 25/05/23 at 09:40 PM
On Tuesday, Reception went on a fantastic trip to the London Aquarium. We travelled on the train to Waterloo before walking along the South Bank, spotting the London Eye and Big Ben on the way.  Inside the aquarium we saw…

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Reception take over the aquarium

Mindfulness and Resilience Workshop at Boston Manor Park

Posted by Mrs Heyhoe on 25/05/23 at 02:37 PM
A group of pupil premium children in Years 1 and 2 visited Boston Manor Park this morning to attend a ‘mindfulness and resilience workshop’. The children enjoyed walking through the woods and meadows in the park. They learnt to use…

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Mindfulness and Resilience Workshop at Boston Manor Park

Year 6 Intra-sports summer 1

Posted by Mr Johnston on 24/05/23 at 04:13 PM
​This afternoon, both year 6 classes took part in an athletics competition. We split into smaller groups to compete against each other in shot put, triple jump and sprinting. Everyone who took part tried their best and enjoyed the afternoon…

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Year 6 Intra-sports summer 1

6J at Syon House

Posted by Mr Johnston on 23/05/23 at 09:26 AM
​Year 6 were invited to visit Syon House for a ‘Countryside Learning’ day. We took part in a wide range of interesting activities, both in and outside the house, which included: archaeology, a scientific investigation into local plants and woodcraft…

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6J at Syon House

Butterflies in Reception

Posted by Mrs Riley on 22/05/23 at 09:12 PM
On Friday, Reception said goodbye to 4 beautiful butterflies. Over the last five weeks we have watched them grow from tiny caterpillars, into great big caterpillars who could hardly fit into their pot. We have witnessed them build their cocoons…

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Butterflies in Reception

Little Scientists in 3C

Posted by itadmin on 22/05/23 at 06:07 PM
In today’s Science lesson, the children were investigating the best material for curtains. First, they sorted the materials according whether they are opaque, transparent or translucent. They used a torch for their investigation.

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Little Scientists in 3C

Building Stonehenge in 3C

Posted by itadmin on 21/05/23 at 09:05 PM
For the last couple of weeks, the 3C is learning how people lived in the Stone and Bronze Age. Using the clay, the children tried to create their miniature version of Stonehenge. And this is the result.

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Building Stonehenge in 3C

98% of Parents Recommend St Paul’s School!

Posted by Mr Wright on 19/05/23 at 05:16 PM
Today we have published the parental feedback we collected at our Spring Term Parents' Evening.  It is great to receive so much feedback from our parents.  There is much to celebrate, as you can see from the report attached and…

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98% of Parents Recommend St Paul’s School!

Year 1’s Wheels Day!

Posted by nleanage on 19/05/23 at 03:56 PM
​Year 1 have been doing a great job during our Walk to School week. Most of our children walked, biked or scooted to school. Many families that drive decided to park further and walk part of their journey. The children…

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Year 1’s Wheels Day!

2B successfully complete their sponsored bike and scooter ride!

Posted by Mrs Barry on 19/05/23 at 03:26 PM
2B had a very successful bike and scoot around the park this afternoon. The children without a bike or scooter job Mrs Barry's running club! Most of the children were able to do about 40 laps! Well done 2B. We…

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2B successfully complete their sponsored bike and scooter ride!

4l visit to Butser Ancient Farm

Posted by Mrs Lonsdale on 19/05/23 at 10:24 AM
On Tuesday 16th May the children in years 3 and 4 had a very exciting day visiting Butser Ancient farm. The children enjoyed going inside the round houses to experience how people lived in the past. As well as learning…

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4l visit to Butser Ancient Farm

4L visit the Science museum

Posted by Mrs Lonsdale on 19/05/23 at 09:49 AM
On Thursday 4th May year 4 went to the Science museum to support their learning about the human body and to prepare for next terms topic on sound. They enjoyed the quiz hunt they were set which involved finding out…

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4L visit the Science museum

Bees visit 4L

Posted by Mrs Lonsdale on 19/05/23 at 09:29 AM
The children in years 3 and 4 were lucky to have a visit from Sara Ward to learn all about the bees she keeps.  She explained to the children that there are different bee types and the jobs each bee…

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Bees visit 4L

The Coronation in 4L

Posted by Mrs Lonsdale on 19/05/23 at 09:14 AM
On Friday 5th May 4L had fun learning about and celebrating King Charles III's Coronation.  We started by watching some clips about the royal family and and finding out what their roles are. The children then made union flags and…

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The Coronation in 4L

Butser Ancient Farm

Posted by itadmin on 18/05/23 at 04:24 PM
On a sunny Tuesday, the Year 3 and 4 visited Butser Ancient Farm. It is an open-air experimental archaeology museum and active research centre where you can learn about the past. The pictures show you what we experienced – spinning,…

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Butser Ancient Farm

Going back in Time

Posted by itadmin on 18/05/23 at 04:24 PM
​Class 3L went back to the Iron Age on their trip to Butser Ancient Farm. Here you can see them in and around the ancient buildings.

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Going back in Time

Exploring Inventions through the ages

Posted by Mrs Barry on 18/05/23 at 03:58 PM
Today we have been learning about ​the developments in technology that led to humans being able to put someone on the moon. We learnt about Galileo telescope, the first mammal sent into space, the first satelite sent into space and…

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Exploring Inventions through the ages

Planting in 2B

Posted by Mrs Barry on 18/05/23 at 01:45 PM
​In science we have been continuing to learn about plants and we have been thinking about what they need to grow. In our most recent science lesson the children planted beans and bulbs to see how they grow. We also…

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Planting in 2B

Rio Carnival Floats in 6J - part 2

Posted by Mr Johnston on 18/05/23 at 01:32 PM
​Following the prototype part of our carnival float design process, we are now making our final models. Using wooden frames and axles to support our floats, we will be adding extravagant and colourful elements to our designs over the next…

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Rio Carnival Floats in 6J - part 2

Rio Carnival Floats in 6J - part 1.

Posted by Mr Johnston on 18/05/23 at 01:25 PM
​As part of our study of South America, 6J have been investigating the design of carnival floats - which are used to  parade through the streets of Rio during the world-famous carnival. We started by looking at existing designs to…

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Rio Carnival Floats in 6J - part 1.

Peter Pan visits Year 1

Posted by nleanage on 18/05/23 at 12:40 PM
​Year 1 had a special guest visitor from Perform come in yesterday. They played various drama games where they acted like statues on Captain Hooks ship and found missing Lost Boys. The children loved getting into character and the exciting…

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Peter Pan visits Year 1

Parent Coffee Morning

Posted by Mrs Heyhoe on 18/05/23 at 11:21 AM
This year, we have been running regular coffee mornings for parents of pupil premium children in Years 1 and 2. We have talked about the importance of reading at home with your child and filling in the red reading journal…

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Parent Coffee Morning

Reception Take Off with Peter Pan

Posted by Mrs Riley on 17/05/23 at 04:02 PM
Today, Reception took part in an amazing workshop led by Katie from Perform.  They went off on an adventure with Peter Pan, exploring different areas of Neverland and creating different actions which represented their ideas and feelings.  The children had…

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Reception Take Off with Peter Pan

Building Stonehenge

Posted by itadmin on 13/05/23 at 08:43 AM
Class 3L have been looking at the building of Stonehenge in the Neolithic period. They tried to re-create the monument using clay, while realizing that whatever problems they might have encountered would be much harder with stones hundreds of times…

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Building Stonehenge

Year One Observing Spring

Posted by nleanage on 11/05/23 at 04:12 PM
Year One has been learning about seasonal changes in science. This half term we have been learning about the seasonal changes in Spring and Summer. Today we went on an observation walk looking for signs of spring. 

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Year One Observing Spring

The King’s Coronation

Posted by Miss James on 09/05/23 at 12:01 PM
The children all enjoyed preparing for the lovely weekend creating their own version of the England Flag. 

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The King’s Coronation

Writing Week

Posted by Miss James on 09/05/23 at 11:51 AM
This term the took children took part in a variety of activities to encourage their love for writing. To start the week they all imagined that they had entered a time machine and wrote very imaginative narratives. Whilst, at break…

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Writing Week

Coronation Biscuits

Posted by Miss Vanos on 08/05/23 at 06:26 PM
​On Friday, children in 2V decorated biscuits to celebrate the coronation!  Take a look at some of the royal designs. 

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Coronation Biscuits

An invitation from 3L

Posted by itadmin on 08/05/23 at 09:05 AM
​3L looked at the beautiful invitations that were sent out for the Coronation. They noticed how nature was a central theme, and then designed their own.

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An invitation from 3L


Posted by itadmin on 07/05/23 at 07:31 PM
Have you received your invitation to the Coronation of Charles III? If not, there are some left in 3C.

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Coronation Tree Planting

Posted by Mr Wright on 07/05/23 at 01:28 PM
On Friday, members of the school council planted an apple tree in the school garden to commemorate the coronation of King Charles III.  The tree adds to the seedlings pupils grew during lent to make a special coronation garden.  The…

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Coronation Tree Planting

Float Prototypes

Posted by Mrs Little on 05/05/23 at 08:34 PM
In Topic this week 6L have been designing floats fit for Rio Carnival and then creating prototypes of them from simple materials. The children worked in teams to create their models and were really enthusiastic about the task. Each group's…

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Float Prototypes

Year 1 Celebrating the Coronation

Posted by nleanage on 05/05/23 at 04:23 PM
​Year 1 were very crafty today and made our own union jack flags, crowns and sceptres. We finger painted and glued sparkles to make our union jack flag. Then, they made their own crowns to wear while celebrating this weekend! 

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Year 1 Celebrating the Coronation

Artists of the Stone Age

Posted by itadmin on 05/05/23 at 04:22 PM
In Topic lessons, we are learning how people lived in the Stone Age. We were looking at some cave paintings that are dated back to the Stone Age. The most common pictures depicted on the cave paintings were hunters, animals,…

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Artists of the Stone Age

2B Celebrate the Coronation

Posted by Mrs Barry on 05/05/23 at 04:20 PM
​This afternoon, the children were took part in a variety of creative activities for the King's Coronation. The children decorated a biscuit, using icing pens and metallic edible balls. It was then finished off with silver glitter! The children also…

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2B Celebrate the Coronation

Year 1 Making Sea Biscuits

Posted by nleanage on 05/05/23 at 04:16 PM
Year 1 have been learning about instructional text while reading the Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch. We decided to research and find some instructions for a recipe. We made some iced sea biscuits! We carefully measured and mixed, then iced and decorated…

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Year 1 Making Sea Biscuits

Union Flag Biscuits

Posted by sbrowne on 05/05/23 at 11:27 AM
Nursery celebrated the coronation by making union flag biscuits. They added fondant icing and strawberry laces to create the details on the flag. The children have also made crowns and have enjoyed talking about what they will do at home…

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Union Flag Biscuits

Nursery practise throwing and catching

Posted by sbrowne on 03/05/23 at 08:31 AM
In PE the nursery children have been practising throwing and catching bean bags. The children started trying to throw a bean bag into a hoop and steadily standing further and further from the hoop. They worked in pairs and were…

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Nursery practise throwing and catching

5H Carnival Floats

Posted by dhorry on 02/05/23 at 04:02 PM
This afternoon in Year 5, we have been designing and creating our very own cardboard carnival floats. We have worked as a team to look at producing these and the children's ideas and are all very unique. We had to…

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5H Carnival Floats

5H Living conditions campaign

Posted by dhorry on 02/05/23 at 03:56 PM
A couple of weeks ago in Topic, Year 5 were learning all about the Favelas in Brazil and found out some shocking facts. They all delivered a campaign speech to their classmates trying to spread awareness of the shocking living…

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5H Living conditions campaign

Year 2 take a trip to the Tower of London

Posted by Mrs Barry on 02/05/23 at 01:37 PM
Last Wednesday, KS1 had an amazing trip to the Tower of London. We took the train and then the tube, which the children throughly enjoyed. We then walked along the river to the Tower of London. As we walked, the…

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Year 2 take a trip to the Tower of London

2V Explore the Tower of London

Posted by Miss Vanos on 01/05/23 at 11:41 PM
Last Wednesday, 2V had a magnificent time exploring the Tower of London!
From Brentford, we took the train to Waterloo and then got on the underground. When we came out, we walked along London Bridge and then along the…

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2V Explore the Tower of London
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