 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

Year 6 team up for gymnastics

Posted by Mr Johnston on 31/01/23 at 03:42 PM
Today, both year 6 classes worked together to share our learning from gymnastics from this term. We focused on balances and supporting each other's weight safely to create a display. They were all very keen to show off what they'd…

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Year 6 team up for gymnastics

Nursery visit the church

Posted by sbrowne on 30/01/23 at 11:25 AM
Today the Nursery class went to visit St Paul's church. The children were very excited to get out of the classroom and visit somewhere new. Some of the children in the class attend the church and were able to talk…

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Nursery visit the church

Nursery enjoy noodles for Lunar New Year

Posted by sbrowne on 30/01/23 at 11:12 AM
Nursery have been learning about how the Lunar New Year is celebrated in many Far Eastern countries. The children enjoyed making lanterns, dragons, masks and then on Friday they got to try some Chinese style vegetable noodles. They enjoyed watching…

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Nursery enjoy noodles for Lunar New Year

A very special visitor in Reception

Posted by Mrs Riley on 29/01/23 at 06:20 PM
On Friday the children in Reception had a very special visitor. Anokhi's Dad came to see the children to talk about his job as a doctor.  He brought some very special equipment with him, including a stethoscope and a torch,…

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A very special visitor in Reception

Icons of St Paul

Posted by itadmin on 28/01/23 at 08:55 AM
3L looked at religious paintings of saints and created their own icons for St Paul. They thought about the phrase 'Let your light shine' and combined the picture with an image of light.

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Icons of St Paul

School Council visit St. Paul’s Cathedral

Posted by Mrs Little on 26/01/23 at 08:48 PM
Today some of the School Council Members from Years 3 and 4 visited St. Paul's Cathedral for the annual London Diocesan Board for School's service of thanksgiving. We enjoyed the train ride into London Waterloo, spotting some familiar and new…

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School Council visit St. Paul’s Cathedral

Year 2’s St Paul Assembly

Posted by Mrs Barry on 26/01/23 at 04:32 PM
Today Year 2 performed their St Paul’s assembly. Mrs Barry and Miss Vanos are so proud of them, they did fantastically! The children did a wonderful job sharing the message that love should be shared with everyone, not just your…

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Year 2’s St Paul Assembly

Gravity Investigation

Posted by Mr Kearney on 26/01/23 at 07:53 AM
This term, 5K have been learning about forces and the focus of our lesson last week was gravity. We started off by discussing the difference between weight and mass, and learnt that despite what many people think, gravity is a…

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Gravity Investigation

5K’s Curriculum Enrichment Day

Posted by Mr Kearney on 26/01/23 at 07:43 AM
​Last Thursday was curriculum enrichment day. We started the day by creating some observational sketches of some birds of prey and then carried out research some research on  a variety of birds of prey for a 'Top Trumps' style game.…

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5K’s Curriculum Enrichment Day

Eco Club take ‘steps in the right direction’

Posted by Mrs Little on 25/01/23 at 09:01 PM
Today in Eco Club the children had a go at creating their own mini 'stepping stones' for the outside garden area. We use air drying clay and reused items such as buttons, bottle caps, stones and coloured sticks to create…

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Eco Club take ‘steps in the right direction’

Sports journalism - Year 5/6 Girls Football

Posted by dhorry on 25/01/23 at 12:27 PM
​Starting from this week, we have a special treat to hear from some of our fine sportspeople at St Paul's and what happened in their tournament.  On Wednesday 18th January there was a Girls Football Competition for all the best…

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Sports journalism - Year 5/6 Girls Football

5H Testing water resistance

Posted by dhorry on 24/01/23 at 08:46 AM
In Year 5H, we have been investigating water resistance by creating a range of shapes using playdoh! The surface area of some shapes were streamlined which meant they went faster in the water. We found shapes with a larger surface…

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5H Testing water resistance

Curriculum Enrichment Day for 2V

Posted by Miss Vanos on 23/01/23 at 04:16 PM
​Last Thursday was a great day for 2V! We had a circus skills workshop. We had loads of fun trying out the different equipment. Many of us even managed to do some tricks! We were all exhausted after all that…

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Curriculum Enrichment Day for 2V

All about Henry VIII in 3C

Posted by itadmin on 23/01/23 at 03:49 PM
In our Topic lessons we were looking at the portraits of Henry VIII. Have a look at our versions of him and his family.

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All about Henry VIII in 3C

Birds of Prey Visit

Posted by Mrs Little on 22/01/23 at 08:42 AM
6L really enjoyed Curriculum Enrichment Day- we started off discussing what actually makes a bird, a 'bird of prey', or 'raptor' and I was impressed by how many birds of prey the class could name together! We then completed a…

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Birds of Prey Visit

Personification in 3L

Posted by itadmin on 21/01/23 at 09:50 AM
​3L really enjoyed meeting the birds of prey on Thursday. They imagined how the birds may have felt if they were human, and then wrote poems about them using personification.

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Personification in 3L

Oh no! There’s slime in Reception

Posted by Mrs Riley on 20/01/23 at 11:37 AM
​Reception have had a fantastic time exploring slime over the last few days.  They have been thinking about what it feels like and how it moves. They had a great time pulling it up into the air and stretching it…

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Oh no! There’s slime in Reception

4L visit the birds of prey

Posted by Mrs Lonsdale on 20/01/23 at 10:25 AM
Yesterday was Curriculum enrichment day in school​. The Juniors enjoyed having a visit from some birds of prey. In workshops the children listened to a talk about the different bird types and enjoyed playing a matching game where they matched…

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4L visit the birds of prey

Curriculum Enrichment Day 2023!

Posted by Mrs Barry on 20/01/23 at 10:20 AM
​Yesterday was Curriculum Enrichment Day for us. The children were very excited and we had an amazing day. We started off by meeting Steve the clown. He showed us some wonderful magic and circus tricks. We then learnt about the…

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 Curriculum Enrichment Day 2023!

Reception Explore A Fire Engine

Posted by Mrs Riley on 20/01/23 at 09:43 AM
​On Monday, Reception had a very exciting visit from the local Fire Fighters.  They found out all about their job; how they help people and what equipment they use. They also got to go inside the fire engine and hear…

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Reception Explore A Fire Engine

Birds of Prey

Posted by Miss James on 20/01/23 at 09:25 AM
For Curriculum Enrichment day the children in Class 4J were mesmerised by the amazing birds of Prey The children had the opportunity to see a real life Barn owl, Kestrel and Eagle owl. They also demonstrated great perseverance in creating…

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Birds of Prey

Dance in year 4

Posted by Miss James on 20/01/23 at 09:21 AM
In year 4 the children have been choreographing their own dance to reflect the actions and reactions of a Spy.

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Dance in year 4

Reception have fun at the circus!

Posted by Mrs Riley on 20/01/23 at 09:08 AM
​Yesterday, Reception had a fantastic time at their circus skills workshop.  They began by watching Steve (the circus leader) perform a selection of movements and then had a go at some of them on their own. There was stilt walking,…

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Reception have fun at the circus!

5H Birds of Prey!

Posted by dhorry on 20/01/23 at 07:43 AM
For curriculum enrichment day we were learning all about birds of prey yesterday. The children saw a range of birds and even got to see an eagle owl fly across the hall over their heads! In class, they were creating…

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5H Birds of Prey!

5H RE Hinduism

Posted by dhorry on 20/01/23 at 07:38 AM
​On Wednesday afternoon, we were learning about karma in Year 5H. We were learning how some people believe that each action we take can have a similar reaction. The children's challenge was to read the action and think of a…

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5H RE Hinduism

Nursery join the circus

Posted by sbrowne on 19/01/23 at 12:36 PM
As part of our Enrichment Day activities Nursery took part in some circus skills. The children (and the teachers) had an absolute blast trying out twirling ribbons, spinning plates, floating scarves, stacking cups, hoppers, flower sticks and lots more. Everyone…

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Nursery join the circus

6L’s balancing act!

Posted by Mrs Little on 19/01/23 at 12:21 PM
This week in PE 6L continued to work on forward, backward and straddle rolls. Some of the class were also able to perform forward rolls into the straddle and pike position, both standing and seated. We then worked on partner,…

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6L’s balancing act!

Gunnersbury Girl’s Football 18.1.23

Posted by Mr Johnston on 19/01/23 at 09:52 AM
​Yesterday, a team of girls from years five and six attended a football tournament at Gunnersbury park. There were teams from schools throughout the borough and the standard was very high. The girls worked really hard for each other and…

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Gunnersbury Girl’s Football 18.1.23

Testing Air resistance in 5H

Posted by dhorry on 17/01/23 at 08:49 AM
In Year 5 yesterday afternoon, we were testing air resistance creating our own parachutes. The children changed the variable of either material, size of parachute or object they were using. The results were very surprising as card was a heavy…

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Porridge Tasting

Posted by sbrowne on 16/01/23 at 03:41 PM
This week in Nursery we are reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Today we made some porridge. We mixed in strawberry jam, chocolate sauce, golden syrup and then one with a small amount of salt. The children were challenged to…

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Porridge Tasting

Affirmations of Belief

Posted by Mrs Little on 15/01/23 at 07:25 PM
In RE this half term, 6L are exploring the question, 'What is it like to be Jewish?'. We have been learning about The Shema, a special Jewish prayer that is spoken during morning and evening prayer, as an affirmation of…

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Affirmations of Belief

Non-Fiction Information Texts

Posted by nleanage on 12/01/23 at 04:15 PM
Year 1 has been learning the difference between fiction books and non-fiction texts. We have been looking at its features and learning about alphabetical order as found in glossaries and indexes. 

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Non-Fiction Information Texts

Eco Club ‘Springs’ into action!

Posted by Mrs Little on 12/01/23 at 03:50 PM
​It was fantastic to launch our first Eco Club of the Spring term, including some new members. We are all eager to continue our 'Eco Warrior' work within school. This week we spent some time planning our dream outside space…

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Eco Club ‘Springs’ into action!

Run, run as fast as you can

Posted by sbrowne on 12/01/23 at 10:47 AM
This week in Nursery we have been reading The Gingerbread Man.  The children have decorated gingerbread biscuits (and enjoyed taking them home to eat) and also designed colourful salt dough people.  We conducted an experiment to see what would happen…

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Run, run as fast as you can

Police Visit Reception

Posted by Mrs Riley on 11/01/23 at 11:49 AM
Last week, Reception enjoyed a visit from the local Community Police Officers.  They came to talk about their jobs and how they help to keep people safe. PC Matt and PC Adam also showed the children a selection of different…

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Police Visit Reception

5H Exploring Gravity

Posted by dhorry on 10/01/23 at 10:37 AM
Yesterday afternoon we were exploring gravity and learnt all about Isaac Newton. We enjoyed measuring items mass and weight using the Newton meters!

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5H Exploring Gravity

Mind Reading

Posted by Mrs Little on 07/01/23 at 07:21 PM
In RSHE 6L have been exploring Stereotypes and Prejudice. This week we discussed what stereotypes are and how we can easily make pre-judgements about others and potentially have the same done to us.  The children were tasked with some 'mind-reading'…

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Mind Reading

Working with an atlas in 2B

Posted by Mrs Barry on 06/01/23 at 03:57 PM
This term we started a new unit in topic, London: A World Capital. The children were very excited to use an atlas with their partner. We started off our first lesson looking at a map of Europe and the children…

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Working with an atlas in 2B

Nursery grow beanstalks

Posted by sbrowne on 03/01/23 at 11:06 AM
​This week Nursery are reading the story Jack and the Beanstalk.  We are going to grow our own beanstalks. We have "planted" them on wet cotton wool in plastic cups.  We talked about the fact that plants need water and…

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Nursery grow beanstalks
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