 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

Link to Hope- Shoebox Appeal- Tuesday 1st November

Posted by Mrs Little on 31/10/22 at 02:03 PM
​Tomorrow, when the children return to school after half term, we will be collecting in any shoeboxes for our 'Link to Hope' Appeal. Please ensure the details are filled in and the £3 is attached securely to cover postage. Shoeboxes…

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Link to Hope- Shoebox Appeal- Tuesday 1st November

St. Paul’s Art Gallery: River Exhibition

Posted by Mrs Little on 21/10/22 at 07:41 PM
Our Art Topic this half term has explored the work of Georges Seurat alongside other artists who specialised in river scenes. To bring our unit to a close the children chose their own style to create a river watercolour, based…

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St. Paul’s Art Gallery: River Exhibition

Black History Month in 2B

Posted by Mrs Barry on 21/10/22 at 04:13 PM
​This month 2B have been learning about Black History Month. We started off reading a range of stories with black characters and written by black authors. We then learnt about the author Malorie Blackman and we discussed the impact she…

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Black History Month in 2B

Black History Month in Year 1

Posted by nleanage on 21/10/22 at 04:02 PM
Year 1 has been studying why we have black history month. We have read a range of stories with black characters and written by black authors. The children then drew a portrait of the author Malorie Blackman who has written…

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Black History Month in Year 1

Year 1 Multi-Skills Event

Posted by nleanage on 21/10/22 at 01:02 PM
Some of Year 1 had the opportunity to attend a multi-skills event where we competed against other schools in the borough! We practised throwing, catching, kicking, aiming and precision. The children had an amazing time and worked really hard. They…

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Year 1 Multi-Skills Event

Melting Chocolate in 4L

Posted by Mrs Lonsdale on 21/10/22 at 11:02 AM
​In Science this half term we are learning about states of matter. This week we were learning about what makes chocolate melt.  The children held a chocolate piece in their hand and predicted how long it would take to melt.…

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Melting Chocolate in 4L

4L visit to the British museum

Posted by Mrs Lonsdale on 21/10/22 at 10:56 AM
In topic lessons this half term the children are learning about Ancient Egypt. To help reinforce the learning taking place in class the children visited the British museum. The children enjoyed seeing all the artefacts and drawing their favourite artefacts…

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4L visit to the British museum

Magic Porridge and Pumpkins

Posted by Mrs Riley on 21/10/22 at 09:49 AM
This week in Reception we have been reading the story 'The Magic Porridge Pot'. As part of our learning we carried out an experiment. We made magic porridge using vinegar and bicarbonate of soda. The children were fascinated by the…

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Magic Porridge and Pumpkins

Researchers in 3C

Posted by itadmin on 20/10/22 at 08:30 PM
Today 3C was busy with research about Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. The children had a lot of material to read, then they picked the god or goddess that they liked and wrote about them.

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Researchers in 3C

Year 5’s Harvest Assembly

Posted by Mr Kearney on 20/10/22 at 04:25 PM
​Last Thursday, Year 5 hosted their Harvest Assembly. They performed an adaptation of the Parable of the Mustard seed, demonstrating how one person can make a difference to the world, no matter how small and unimportant they might seem. If…

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Year 5’s Harvest Assembly

Celebrating Authors during Black History Month

Posted by Mrs Little on 19/10/22 at 06:57 PM
Today 6L were introduced to some new books for the class library, all bought to celebrate Black History Month. We are exploring Black authors and their stories, as well as enjoying learning about new characters. The books look incredibly interesting…

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Celebrating Authors during Black History Month

Nursery visit to see the ducks

Posted by sbrowne on 19/10/22 at 12:32 PM
This week Nursery's learning is based around the song 5 Little Ducks. On Wednesday the class went for a visit to our local canal to see some real life ducks and to feed them some bird seeds. Sadly there weren't…

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Nursery visit to see the ducks

2B become inventors today

Posted by Mrs Barry on 19/10/22 at 11:06 AM
We have been learning about materials in our science lessons. To finish the topic for this term, the children were able to make the inventions they planned last week. The children used a variety of materials and thought carefully about…

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2B become inventors today

2V Get New Books for Black History Month!

Posted by Miss Vanos on 17/10/22 at 04:41 PM
​This week, to celebrate Black History Month, we are focusing our Topic lessons on notable Black Authors. We were able to add brand new, high-quality texts that feature Black characters.  We are going to share one with our teacher every…

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2V Get New Books for Black History Month!

2V Think about Their Emotions

Posted by Miss Vanos on 17/10/22 at 04:25 PM
​On Friday, 2V had a RSHE lesson about emotions. First they read the book, 'The Colour Monster', which beautifully illustrates and explains what it is like feeling happy, calm, scared, sad, angry and loved. They thought about what their bodies…

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2V Think about Their Emotions

3L visit the Ancient Egyptians

Posted by itadmin on 17/10/22 at 03:48 PM
​Last week 3L went to the British Museum. They enjoyed looking at all the artefacts from Ancient Egypt.

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3L visit the Ancient Egyptians

On the Bus

Posted by sbrowne on 17/10/22 at 03:39 PM
As part of our learning about The Wheels on the Bus the Nursery children went out to watch the buses go by on the main road. We watched people getting on and off at the stops and looked at numbers…

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On the Bus

The British Museum Trip

Posted by itadmin on 16/10/22 at 07:00 PM
Monday was a very exciting day. The plan was visiting the British Museum by public transports. So we did… 

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The British Museum Trip

Girls Football Tournament

Posted by Mr Kearney on 16/10/22 at 10:48 AM
On Monday, a group of girls from years 5 and 6 attended a football event at Brentford School for Girls. We took part in three different activities and competed against a number of local schools. Everyone had a great time…

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Girls Football Tournament

Year 5 and 6 River Sketches

Posted by Mr Kearney on 16/10/22 at 10:38 AM
​On Friday 7th October, Years 5 and 6 walked to Kew Bridge. While there, we made some observational sketches wrote down some descriptive language.  We will used the sketches to create a pointillism painting and the descriptive language in our…

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Year 5 and 6 River Sketches

Reception go on an adventure into space

Posted by Mrs Riley on 14/10/22 at 11:11 AM
​Yesterday, Reception went on an adventure into space during their PE lesson.  We began by launching into space, moving safely around the hall, changing direction and speed. We then landed on four different planets requiring us to practice our jumping…

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Reception go on an adventure into space

Reception explore the farm

Posted by Mrs Riley on 14/10/22 at 07:27 AM
On Thursday, Reception received a special surprise.  They came into school to find a large box left in the middle of the classroom. Upon opening the box we found that it contained lots of very exciting bits from different farms.…

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Reception explore the farm

Year 1 Little Red Riding Hood

Posted by nleanage on 13/10/22 at 10:10 AM
Year 1 has been learning about traditional tales over the last few weeks. This week we have began looking at Little Red Riding Hood. The children have been practising acting out the story to help them remember it. 

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Year 1 Little Red Riding Hood

The Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round

Posted by sbrowne on 13/10/22 at 08:41 AM
This week in Nursery we have been singing The Wheels on the Bus. The children have enjoyed role playing being on a bus. Everyone was keen to be the bus driver and drive the bus. Each child had an Oyster…

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The Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round

6J Watercolour Challenge!

Posted by Mr Johnston on 12/10/22 at 04:16 PM
​Following our trip to Strand on the Green last week, we have been exploring artistic techniques and how artists compose their paintings. We took our sketches of the River Thames and used watercolour to bring them to life. Some of…

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6J Watercolour Challenge!

Performing Poetry with Confidence in 2B

Posted by Mrs Barry on 11/10/22 at 01:52 PM
2B love poetry, especially funny poems that rhyme. Last week the children listened to ​a selection of interesting poems and then write about their favourite one. The children were able to explain why they liked it and what they might…

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Performing Poetry with Confidence in 2B

Year 5H French

Posted by dhorry on 10/10/22 at 08:06 AM
​In Year 5 this week, we have loved learning how to ask our friends if they have any brothers or sisters. See if they can show off their learning at home with you! I’ll give them a hint… Tu as…

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Year 5H French

Planting bulbs in Reception

Posted by Mrs Riley on 09/10/22 at 08:19 PM
On Friday, Reception began to tidy up the planting area in the garden.  We began by weeding, removing all of the old and dead plants from the pots and troughs, before planting some lovely new daffodil bulbs. We talked about…

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Planting bulbs in Reception

2V Write About Aliens

Posted by Miss Vanos on 09/10/22 at 03:30 PM
​On Friday, 2V's Big Write was all about aliens! 
The children had to use their imagination to create their own alien. Then they had to describe it-- what it looks like, feels like and sounds like. Some children added…

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2V Write About Aliens

Eventful Week in 3C

Posted by itadmin on 09/10/22 at 12:20 PM
This week we have started with a times table Monday in Maths lesson. The children were involved in different activities, such as Hit the button, Fortune Teller, Domino and Times table Board game. In English lessons children were practising lines…

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Eventful Week in 3C

Reading Theatre in 3L

Posted by itadmin on 08/10/22 at 10:06 AM
​3L were creating a Reading Theatre in English this week. They thought hard about how to read a story aloud, with both expressions and actions, and then performed it to each other.

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Reading Theatre in 3L

TfL Talk

Posted by Mrs Little on 07/10/22 at 08:55 PM
This week Year 6 were visited by James, from Transport for London, who came to talk to us about travelling safely within London. He told the children about Zip cards; how to plan a route; how to remain safe when…

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TfL Talk

View of the river

Posted by Mrs Little on 07/10/22 at 08:48 PM
This morning, Years 5 and 6 walked down to Strand-on-the-Green to sit by the river. Despite some windy conditions at times the weather was kind to us and we enjoyed sitting in the sunshine sketching what we could see. We…

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View of the river

Reception make elf biscuits

Posted by Mrs Riley on 07/10/22 at 05:44 PM
​Today in Reception we celebrated the end of our work on the elves and shoemaker by making elf biscuits.  The children had great fun mixing the icing sugar with water and selecting their colours. Lots of them chose to mix…

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Reception make elf biscuits

Year 1 Ball Skills

Posted by nleanage on 07/10/22 at 04:00 PM
Year 1 have been practising their ball skills in PE. They have worked on their stance for catching and figured out which method of throwing works best for them. We experimented with tennis balls, been bags and even rings. The…

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Year 1 Ball Skills

Science investigators in 4L

Posted by Mrs Lonsdale on 07/10/22 at 12:07 PM
This half term the children are covering the unit states of matter. They are learning all about solids, liquids and gases. What the particles are like when something is a solid, liquid or a gas and what objects come under…

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Science investigators  in 4L

x tables in 4L

Posted by Mrs Lonsdale on 07/10/22 at 11:58 AM
In year 4 the children are busy learning their x tables. They have made posters to display in the classroom, played x table games and worked on improving their speed for the facts they already know.

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x tables in 4L

Nursery make spider biscuits

Posted by sbrowne on 06/10/22 at 12:31 PM
As part of our Incy Wincy Spider week, the nursery children made spider biscuits. They enjoyed adding black icing to make the body, red laces for legs and tiny smarties for eyes. The next day the children all excitedly came…

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Nursery make spider biscuits

Rainy Day Playdough

Posted by Miss Vanos on 05/10/22 at 05:31 PM
​It was a rainy playtime today so 2V got the playdough out! Look at some of our fantastic creations.

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Rainy Day Playdough

Doubling in 2B

Posted by Mrs Barry on 05/10/22 at 03:50 PM
​The children in 2B are now doubling experts! This week we have been learning to double numbers. The children started off using cubes to help them double numbers in pairs. They were then asked to double a variety of numbers…

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Doubling in 2B

Times tables

Posted by Miss James on 04/10/22 at 12:47 PM
In 4J the children have been practising their times tables in a fun way using a variety of games, such as dominoes and snakes and ladders.

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Times tables

A day for bubbles and kites

Posted by Mrs Riley on 03/10/22 at 09:26 PM
Friday took a very autumnal turn and Reception took full advantage.  We spent the morning making bubbles using bubble wands and hoops and exploring how to blow the biggest bubbles. In the afternoon, when the wind picked up, we made…

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A day for bubbles and kites

Christmas Shoebox Appeal- Link to Hope

Posted by Mrs Little on 03/10/22 at 08:58 PM
Today in assembly, we launched our Christmas Shoebox Appeal. We will be supporting a charity called Link to Hope, who deliver shoeboxes of gifts to vulnerable families and elderly people across Eastern Europe.  Your child will have brought a letter…

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Christmas Shoebox Appeal- Link to Hope

The Science of Digestion

Posted by Mr Johnston on 03/10/22 at 04:10 PM
In 6J this afternoon, we investigated the journey of food through our body as part of this term's Science topic. We discussed the importance of chewing our food and what happens to it as it makes its way through our…

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The Science of Digestion

The Big Bad Wolf Moves Out!

Posted by Mrs Riley on 02/10/22 at 09:39 PM
​On Thursday, Reception came into class to find a letter from a very cross Big Bad Wolf!  Having spent time learning about the stories of Little Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs, the wolf was unhappy that the…

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The Big Bad Wolf Moves Out!

Year 5H Pointillism practice!

Posted by dhorry on 01/10/22 at 01:50 PM
Year 5H loved practicing pointillism and mixing colours together to make other colours. They experimented with the size of the dots they used and placing other colours on top of one another. 

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Year 5H Pointillism practice!
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