 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

3H test how quickly celery transports water

Posted by Mrs Heyhoe on 27/02/24 at 04:30 PM

Today, 3H carried out an experiment to investigate how quickly a piece of celery transports water.  

First, they put 100ml of water in a beaker.  Next, they stirred in 5 tablespoons of blue food colouring.  Then they put a piece of celery into their beaker.  Finally, they put the beaker in either a warm or cold place or a place at room temperature.

They are going to see which piece of celery turns blue at the top first.

Great science work today 3H!

3H test how quickly celery transports water
3H test how quickly celery transports water
3H test how quickly celery transports water
3H test how quickly celery transports water
St Paul’s Primary School Brentford
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