 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

2B perform with their puppets

Posted by Mrs Barry on 02/05/22 at 06:56 PM

This term, we are learning all about the seaside in out topic lessons. So far we have have located beaches all over the UK and we then learnt about what it was like to go to the seaside in the victorian times. We children were brilliant at discussing how the seaside has change. We learnt all about bathing machines - the children thought these were an excellent idea! In our most recent lesson, we learnt about puppet shows as these could often we watched on the beach. For the second part of the lesson, the children were able to make their own puppets and then used them to act out a short story. 

2B perform with their puppets
2B perform with their puppets
2B perform with their puppets
2B perform with their puppets
2B perform with their puppets
St Paul’s Primary School Brentford
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