 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

Stone Age Cave Art

Posted by itadmin on 30/04/23 at 08:11 AM
​Class 3L have been looking at the hunters and gatherers of the Stone Age. They explored the cave art that these people have left behind, and created their own pictures showing hunting scenes.

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Stone Age Cave Art

Author Visit

Posted by Mrs Little on 29/04/23 at 08:34 AM
As part of writing week, the children in KS2 were visited by Josh Lacey, a published children's author. He has written books such as 'Grk' and 'The Dragonsitter'. He came to meet with Year 6 and share some of his…

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Author Visit

Eco Club Clean Up!

Posted by Mrs Little on 29/04/23 at 08:30 AM
This week in Eco Club we started preparing the tyres ready to paint and make into planters for our school garden over the next few weeks. Once we had finished our designs, we decided to make the most of the…

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Eco Club Clean Up!

Year 1 Practising Athletics

Posted by nleanage on 28/04/23 at 02:41 PM
​Year 1 have been working hard on practising their athletic skills and today we worked on incorporating balancing. We went through a series of circuits where children balanced and tried to kick a ball, balanced a bean bag on their…

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Year 1 Practising Athletics

An explosion of colour in Art Club

Posted by Mrs Riley on 27/04/23 at 05:02 PM
We have had a very exciting start to Art Club.  During the first two sessions, we focused on the work of Gustav Klimt, an Austrian artist famous for his paintings murals and sketches.  We explored his use of colour and…

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An explosion of colour in Art Club

Nets and Skeletons in 3C

Posted by itadmin on 22/04/23 at 12:52 PM
This week in a Maths lesson we learned about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. Children acquired knowledge of what a polygon and polyhedron are. We looked at the nets and skeletons of 3D shapes. Then, in Thursday’s lesson,…

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Nets and Skeletons in 3C

Observing Plants

Posted by Mrs Barry on 21/04/23 at 11:35 AM
We have just started our new topic in Science, which is all about plants. The children were shown pictures of common, wild and garden plants and trees. We then played a game where the children had to identify the plants…

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Observing Plants

Minibeast Mathematics

Posted by sbrowne on 20/04/23 at 11:22 AM
This term in Nursery we are learning about Minibeasts. This week we have been reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We have used this book as the basis of our maths learning. We looked at the patterns on caterpillars bodies and…

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Minibeast Mathematics

Eco Club celebrates Earth Day

Posted by Mrs Little on 19/04/23 at 07:54 PM
It was lovely to have Eco Club back together today, with some new Eco Warriors joining the group! We learnt about ‘Earth Day’ which takes place this Saturday (22nd April). This year’s theme is ‘Invest in Planet Earth’ and the…

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Eco Club celebrates Earth Day

Amazing Authors!

Posted by Mrs Little on 19/04/23 at 11:11 AM
Today in Celebration assembly on the Alex House site, I was thrilled to invite many children from Years 5 and 6 to the front. Before Christmas, Year 5 and some of our Year 6 pupils took part in a national…

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Amazing Authors!

Happy Easter!

Posted by Mrs Little on 09/04/23 at 02:46 PM
Wishing all of our families a very happy Easter Sunday. We hope that however you are spending today it is joyful and that you have the chance to be with people you care about. Enjoy the sunshine and a well-earned…

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Happy Easter!

Easter Baskets

Posted by itadmin on 06/04/23 at 09:41 AM
​3L enjoyed making and decorating Easter baskets. They then bought in lots of eggs, and they were shared out. Later that day they were hidden. As you can see they were relieved when at last they found them.

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Easter Baskets
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