 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

1L Make money

Posted by itadmin on 30/04/22 at 08:58 AM
​This week we had fun learning about money in maths again. We found it quite tricky to recognise coins...because we see it less and less as our parents use their card, watch or phones to pay at the till now! …

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1L Make money

Pupil Premium Trip to John’s Boat Works

Posted by Mrs Heyhoe on 28/04/22 at 01:43 PM
​Today, a group of Year 1 children visited John’s Boat Works on Lot’s Ait in Brentford. The parents and children learnt all about boat making. They saw a lifeboat, which can fit 55 people inside. They also had…

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Pupil Premium Trip to John’s Boat Works

Outdoor adventure activities

Posted by Miss James on 27/04/22 at 08:10 PM
​This term in PE year 4 will be undertaking a variety of OAA challenges. Each lesson will test the children's abilities in a variety of ways and help with their communication skills.

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Outdoor adventure activities


Posted by Miss James on 27/04/22 at 08:04 PM
In Year 4 the children have been using instructions to create a piece of origami. They have discussed how important it is for instructions to be clear and how other features such as diagrams can help with construction phase. Next…

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Reception Explore Fossils

Posted by Mrs Riley on 27/04/22 at 03:52 PM
Today in Reception we had a great time finding out about and making fossils.  In the morning we learnt about Mary Anning, a lady who lived a long time ago, who was famous for discovering fossils in Britain. This afternoon…

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Reception Explore Fossils

Reception Visit Hen Corner

Posted by Mrs Riley on 27/04/22 at 03:41 PM
​Last week, Reception visited Sara at Hen Corner. They had the opportunity to learn about a number of life cycles including bees, chickens and plants.  The children had a great time looking at the bee hives and talking to Sara…

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Reception Visit Hen Corner

5J Skipping Workshop

Posted by Mr Johnston on 27/04/22 at 02:38 PM
​This afternoon, 5J were put through our paces at a skipping workshop! We learned different ways of skipping and a rhyme that we can use at playtime on skipping Wednesday! It was hard work, but lots of fun.

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5J Skipping Workshop

Setting the pace

Posted by Mrs Little on 27/04/22 at 01:38 PM
​6KL were fantastic in their first Athletics lesson of this term. We were exploring the importance of pacing ourselves when running and worked with a partner to try and run for set amounts of time (which we discovered was trickier…

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Setting the pace

The Nowhere Emporium

Posted by Mrs Little on 24/04/22 at 03:58 PM
6KL are enjoying their current class reader, 'The Nowhere Emporium' by Ross MacKenzie. It is a fantastical story about a mysterious shop that appears suddenly, allowing people to explore incredible wonders inside. However, once they have visited they never remember…

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The Nowhere Emporium

2B observe plants and trees in science

Posted by Mrs Barry on 21/04/22 at 03:10 PM
This term we are learning about plants in science. To start this topic the children were encouraged to go outside to our school garden and look at all the different plants and trees. The children learnt about the different parts…

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2B observe plants and trees in science

Happy Easter!

Posted by Mrs Little on 17/04/22 at 09:11 AM
Wishing all of our school families, friends and staff a Happy Easter time. Whatever you are doing today, we hope you have an opportunity to spend time with those you love and that you are safe and well.  As a…

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Happy Easter!

Toot Suite

Posted by Mr Wright on 07/04/22 at 11:45 AM
At the end of March, a number of our pupils, who have been learning to play brass instruments at school with a teacher from the Hounslow Music Service, travelled to Corby in Northamptonshire to take part in the national junior…

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Toot Suite

Turner Seascapes

Posted by jason on 05/04/22 at 05:34 PM
​6TL having created oil paintings based on their knowledge of Turner paintings of the the sea. They were able to create such vivid colours by mixing powder paint with washing up liquid; this gave them the chance to paint using…

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Turner Seascapes

Traffic Lights

Posted by jason on 05/04/22 at 05:32 PM
​6TL have been putting their knowledge of electrical circuits to good use. They have designed and made working traffic lights, with a switch to make all the lights work independently.

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Traffic Lights

1L discover that the world is at their fingertips with an atlas!

Posted by itadmin on 04/04/22 at 07:26 AM
Here are the children looking at continents, oceans and countries using an atlas.  It was lovely to see them using the opportunities to explore other aspects such as flags too.  They have also thoroughly enjoyed using the variety of mapping…

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1L discover that the world is at their fingertips with an atlas!

1L learn all about Easter

Posted by itadmin on 04/04/22 at 06:58 AM
​The children have spent the last 4 weeks learning about the events in the Easter story from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.  Here we are re-enacting the Last Supper where Jesus washed the disciples' feet. We are pretending to do…

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1L learn all about Easter

1L have fun in the sun!

Posted by itadmin on 04/04/22 at 06:52 AM
​Here we are making the most of the sudden warm weather, whilst learning how to send and receive a ball in PE.

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1L have fun in the sun!

Happy Easter from Year 6!

Posted by Mrs Little on 03/04/22 at 04:35 PM
​Year 6 ended the Spring Term with an Easter Egg Hunt. They decorated and made their own baskets, which were then filled with goodies and hidden within the Year 6 classrooms. The children did well to find their baskets in…

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Happy Easter from Year 6!

Budding Artists!

Posted by Mrs Little on 03/04/22 at 04:25 PM
In 6KL we have been exploring the seascapes of Turner. We spent some time looking at different pieces of his work and considering the techniques and materials used. We then chose our favourite seascape from the National Gallery and then…

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Budding Artists!

Acrostic Poems in 2B

Posted by Mrs Barry on 01/04/22 at 10:35 AM
This week we have been learning about acrostic poems and we talked about their features. The children then enjoyed writing their own acrostic poems with the theme of spring. On Thursday the children wrote an Easter themed acrostic poem for…

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Acrostic Poems in 2B

Reception Perform Like Pros!

Posted by Mrs Riley on 01/04/22 at 09:23 AM
Yesterday, Reception performed their Easter show to their Parents and Years One and Two.  They told the story of the year the Easter Bunny had to trust an unlikely group of friends in order to save Easter.  The children did…

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Reception Perform Like Pros!
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