 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

Sounds of the Blitz

Posted by Mrs Little on 15/09/21 at 08:13 PM

As part of our Topic, we have been exploring how it might have felt to suddenly hear the air raid sirens go off and have to run to safety in a shelter. We listened to some genuine audio clips of the siren and an air raid and discussed the thoughts that came to mind. We then started to think about how it must have felt to be sat in the shelter with these sounds echoing around us.

After listening the children worked in pairs to record their initial emotions and ideas and turn them into list poems. This is where only a single word or couple of words is used in each line. Although the technique is simple, the poems were very effective. 

If you would like to hear some of the 'Sounds of the Blitz', you can visit this website: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/history-ks2-world-war-2-clips-ww2-sounds-index/z4b4bdm (Please note: This is an external website so we cannot guarantee all of the content)

Sounds of the Blitz
Sounds of the Blitz
Sounds of the Blitz
Sounds of the Blitz
Sounds of the Blitz
Sounds of the Blitz
Sounds of the Blitz
St Paul’s Primary School Brentford
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