 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

In 5L, Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM!)

Posted by Mrs Little on 09/09/24 at 08:05 PM

In our first RSHE lesson of the year, 5L discussed the importance of teamwork and how, when everyone plays their part and is valued, you can achieve more. After exploring what makes a great team, the children were split into groups to put those skills to the test. They were tasked with stacking cups without using their hands, only 1 elastic band and some pieces of string. 

I was really impressed not only with their teamwork skills and communication, but also how quickly each team solved the problem. For Round 2 their equipment was limited even further and although only one team was successful, they all still managed to persevere and try their hardest. An important lesson for the year ahead- well done 5L!

In 5L, Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM!)
In 5L, Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM!)
In 5L, Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM!)
St Paul’s Primary School Brentford
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