 St Paul's Primary School Brentford

Anti-Bullying Week 2022

Posted by Mrs Little on 19/11/22 at 03:54 PM

This week in school we have been marking Anti-Bullying Week. Children across the school have been reflecting on various issues, from discussing 'what makes a friend' to considering what we should do if we experience or witness bullying. 

Another focus of the week has been to help clear up any misconceptions about what bullying is, and what it isn't, so that children feel better prepared for dealing with difficult issues. The children have been sensitive and thoughtful in their conversations and are working on ways to promote kindness within the school environment. For a child it can be difficult to distinguish between a conflict, 'one-off' unkind comment or action, and bullying. We worked hard to help the children recognise the differences but also to understand that anything that makes them upset, uncomfortable or hurt needs to be passed onto an adult as quickly as possible in order for it to be dealt with. 

We ended the week with a whole school assembly where children showed some of their work and learning from the week. 

Some of the key lessons we want every child to take away from this week are:

- We are a 'telling school'. If they experience or witness bullying behaviour, they need to speak to an adult as soon as possible so it can be dealt with swiftly. 

- Bullying is repeated, deliberate behaviour that causes some kind of harm. 

- STOP: Several Times On Purpose.  Start Telling Other People.

Anti-Bullying Week 2022
Anti-Bullying Week 2022
St Paul’s Primary School Brentford
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